Get involved with ANA-NY in a way that does not involve running for the Board or serving on a Board Committee!
Our Special Interest Groups (SIGs) are members-only communities within ANA-NY that are focused on a single topic or area of interest in an effort to advance a specific area of knowledge, learning, or technology and support members in collaboration to affect or to produce solutions within theirfields.
Nurses who work with the intellectually and developmentally disabled population to discuss ideas for better care by removing barriers to nursing care and reimbursement.
Climate & Health
Nurses who are interested in climate change and its impact on health to propose strategies that nursing can implement to have a positive impact.
Policy & Advocacy
Nurses who want to learn more about policy and advocacy to discuss the details of the policy and political process and learn more about the ANA-NY Legislation Committee activities.
Igniting Compassion for Nurses
Nurses who are interested in advancing the profession of nursing through igniting compassion for nurses.
Advances in Nursing Technology
Nurses who are interested in the technological advances happening in the nursing practice with a focus in innovation and informatics.