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The name of this association shall be the American Nurses Association-New York, Inc., hereinafter referred to as “ANA-New York” or “ANA-NY”.
The purposes of ANA-NY shall be to foster high standards of nursing, promote the professional and educational advancement of Registered Professional Nurses, and promote the welfare of nurses to the end that all people may have optimal health care.
The functions of ANA-NY shall be to:
Members of ANA-NY shall be those persons who:
The member shall have the right to:
a. be a candidate for ANA-NY and ANA elected or appointed positions in accordance with qualifications set forth in the ANA-NY or ANA Bylaws.
b. participate in the election of ANA-NY’s representatives to the ANA’s Membership Assembly.
c. nominate and elect members of the ANA-NY Board of Directors.
d. attend the ANA-NY Governing Assembly and ANA Membership Assembly, in accordance with established guidelines, and other unrestricted activities.
e. submit proposals for consideration by ANA-NY.
f. attend the Quadrennial Congress of the International Council of Nurses and other unrestricted activities.
g. be accorded due process and other rights as provided under common parliamentary or statutory law and exercise such other rights as set forth in these Bylaws.h. receive a membership card and the official ANA news periodical.
h. receive a membership card and the official ANA news periodical.
The member shall have the obligation to:
Each organizational affiliate shall maintain a mission and purpose harmonious with the purposes and functions of ANA-NY.
The Governing Assembly shall be the governing body of ANA-NY and shall be composed of the Board of Directors and individual members of ANA-NY who attend the Governing Assembly meeting.
A quorum for the transaction of business of the Governing Assembly shall consist of five members of the Board of Directors, one of whom shall be the president or vice-president, and twenty-five (25) members of ANA-NY present at the meeting.
The Board of Directors is elected by the membership of ANA-NY and authorized to conduct business on behalf of the membership that will assist and support the purposes and functions of ANA-NY between meetings of the Governing Assembly.
There shall be nine members of the Board of Directors, exclusive of vacancies. Of the nine members, there shall be four officers who constitute the Executive Committee: President, Vice-president, Secretary and Treasurer. The remaining five members are Directors-at-Large.
The Board of Directors shall have the authority granted by law and/or delegated to it by the Governing Assembly, including the duty and power of acting for the membership in the intervals between meetings of the Governing Assembly, and other duties and powers as defined in these bylaws.
The Board of Directors shall report to and be accountable to the membership.
The Board of Directors shall:
To be eligible to serve on the Board of Directors, a person shall:
In the event of a vacancy:
There shall be an executive committee of the Board of Directors composed of the Officers, which shall have all powers of the Board of Directors to transact business between board meetings in accordance with rules established by the Board. Such transactions shall be recorded, then be reported at the next regular meeting of the Board of Directors.
A majority of the Board of Directors, including the President or Vice-president, shall constitute a quorum at any meeting of the Board of Directors.
A Director-at-Large or Officer may be removed upon the vote of a majority of the Board of Directors of the Association, exclusive of the vote of such Director-at-Large or Officer and of any vacancies among the Directors-at-Large and Officers, for the reasons stated in § 29-406.08 of the Code of the District of Columbia. Notwithstanding any other provision of these bylaws, a Notice of Meeting shall be delivered to each Director-at-Large or Officer at least seven business days in advance of the meeting at which such removal is to be considered. The Notice of Meeting shall state that the removal of the particular Director-at-Large or Officer is to be considered at such meeting. During such meeting, and prior to any vote on the removal of the particular Director-at-Large or Officer, that individual shall have an opportunity to address the meeting. A motion, duly seconded, shall be required before a vote shall take place, and the vote of each Director-at-Large and Officer shall be recorded. The Director-at-Large or Officer subject to the removal motion shall not vote.
There shall be standing committees for Audit, Bylaws, Finance, Legislation, and Nominations and Elections.
Chairs of Standing Committees shall be appointed by the Board of Directors except the chairs of the Finance Committee and the Nominations and Elections Committee. The Treasurer shall serve as the chair of the Finance Committee. The chair of the Nominations and Elections Committee shall be the person receiving the highest number of votes for election to that Committee.
The absence of a member without good cause from two meetings within a twelve-month period of a Standing Committee shall constitute a vacancy. The Board of Directors shall fill the vacancy by appointment for the remainder of the unexpired term.
A majority of the members of the committee shall constitute a quorum at any committee meeting.
Members of Standing Committees shall serve a two-year term or until their successors are appointed. No member of a standing committee may serve more than three consecutive terms on any one standing committee.
The Board of Directors shall appoint and charge such other committees as needed to assist and support the purpose and functions of ANA-NY. The terms of members and duration of such committees shall be determined by the Board of Directors.
ANA-NY is a constituent member of the American Nurses Association.
The Board of Directors shall purchase and maintain Directors and Officers Liability Insurance.
The Board of Directors shall purchase and maintain liability insurance in amounts no less than required by § 29-406.90 of the Code of the District of Columbia but in no event less than $200,000 per individual claim and $500,000 per total claims arising out of the same occurrence.
Amendments proposed by the Bylaws Committee for action by the Governing Assembly shall be submitted to the ANA-NY Secretary for review by the Board of Directors. The amendment shall be appended to the official notification of the meeting of the Governing Assembly, together with the recommendation of the Board of Directors. These bylaws may be amended at properly called annual or special meetings of the Governing Assembly by a two-thirds vote of the members present and voting.
Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised current edition governs this association in all parliamentary situations that are not provided for in the laws relevant to the Certificate of Incorporation, Application for Authority, these Bylaws, or adopted rules of ANA-NY.
(518) 949-9254
150 State Street
4th Floor
Albany, NY 12207
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