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The Story of ANA-NY

ANA-NY was incorporated on December 2, 2012 to provide the nurses in New York State a voice at the American Nurses Association. Thirty-nine nurse leaders across the state provided the seed money to start up the association under the leadership of Karen Ballard, Executive Director and Winnie Kennedy, Appointed President. From the 110 Charter Members, ANA-NY has now grown to over 8,000 members and 17 organizational affiliates. ANA-NY has been directly involved in the passing of the BS in 10 and Safe Staffing laws and has supported many other state and federal bills affecting nursing practice and patient care.

Our Mission

The mission of ANA-NY is to foster high standards of nursing and promote the professional and educational advancement of nurses to improve health care for all.

Our Vision

The voice of empowered New York nurses driving positive change. 

Our Purpose

We foster high standards of nursing; promote the professional and educational advancement of nurses; and promote the welfare of nurses to the end that all people may have better healthcare.

Our Functions

  • ANA-NY promotes through appropriate means the Code of Ethics for Nurses and the standards of nursing practice, nursing education, and nursing services established by the American Nurses Association (ANA).
  • We represent nurses and serves as their spokesperson with professional and community groups and the public.
  • We support various nursing groups, including Academic Progression in Nursing (APIN), Coalition for Advancement of Nursing Education (CANE), Foundation of New York State Nurses (FNYSN), New York Organization for Nursing Leadership (NYONL), Nursing Student Association of New York State (NSANYS), and our organizational affiliates.

  • ANA-NY stimulates and promotes research in nursing, disseminates research findings, and encourages the use of new knowledge as a basis for nursing.

Copyright © American Nurses Association of New York. All rights reserved. 

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