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Supporting the ANA-NY PAC

ANA-NY Political Action Committee

American Nurses Association - New York Political Action Committee
The PAC goal is to achieve 100% participation from our over 8,700 members in ANA-NY.
We are asking ANA-NY members to donate $10 for every year you have been a RN.
Your ANA-NY PAC donation is not tax-deductible, must be in your name (not in memory or in honor of another person), will be public record, and the contribution cannot be reimbursed by your employer.

Registered nurses (RNs) around the state lead every day — from working on the front lines caring for patients to mentoring the next generation of RNs.  Now, more than ever, RNs must lead the way to evolve structures, processes, and outcomes to improve health care and achieve health equity.  We need to support New York State legislators and candidates who advocate for registered nurses, the nursing profession, and the legislative priorities of the American Nurses Association-New York (ANA-NY).

To accomplish this, the American Nurses Association-New York Political Action Committee (ANA-NY PAC) needs your help. The ANA-NY PAC’s sole purpose is to raise funds to support state legislators and candidates seeking elected office, who champion the nursing profession. It is important to have state elected officials who understand the nursing profession and the essential role RNs play in healthcare.

There are ongoing issues confronting the nursing profession: safe staffing, working to reduce workplace violence, bullying, harassment, burnout, compassion fatigue, continuing education, removing artificial barriers to practice while ensuring RNs achieve higher levels of health to name a few. 

ANA-NY’s President, Dr. Marilyn Dollinger, RN, has stated that her vision is for RNs to move from the “most trusted” to “most influential.” In order to achieve this vision, we are asking all ANA-NY members to make a donation to ANA-NY PAC. Ideally, we would love to see each member make a donation of $10 for every year you have been an RN. If all members do this, it will enable us to have a robust and effective PAC that will help us support candidates and legislators who support our profession.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the ANA-NY PAC?

The ANA-NY PAC is the political action committee of ANA-NY and is intended to help support candidates who support RNs and the profession in New York State.

Who does the ANA-NY PAC support?

ANA-NY PAC supports New York State elected officials, including candidates running for Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Comptroller, Attorney General, New York State Senate, and New York State Assembly.

Does ANA-NY pay for the PAC?

No, the ANA-NY PAC has its funds, bank account, and treasurer.  Your participation, or non-participation, in the PAC is voluntary and will not affect your membership in ANA-NY.

Why should I contribute to the ANA-NY PAC?

Running for office is expensive.  It is important to provide resources to candidates running for office that support the goals and mission of ANA-NY.  Without the proper resources, a candidate cannot get elected to office or remain in office and thus represent the organization’s goals and the nursing profession.

Who can contribute?

Any member of ANA-NY can contribute to the PAC.  Non-members may also make voluntary contributions to the PAC if they choose. 

What if I have more questions regarding contributions?

For the complete list of rules governing political contributions in New York, please visit the New York State Board of Elections at  You may also contact any member of the ANA-NY PAC committee by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Is my contribution tax-deductible?

No, contributions to ANA-NY PAC are not tax-deductible for state or federal tax purposes. 

Can I make an ANA-NY PAC contribution in someone else’s name?

No, the New York State Board of Elections prohibits contributions by one person in the name of another person. 

Can my employer reimburse my ANA-NY PAC contribution?

No, PAC contributions are not reimbursable by an employer or any other entity.

What if I have more questions about ANA-NY PAC?

Reach to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Copyright © American Nurses Association of New York. All rights reserved. 

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