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ANA-New York Future Nurse Leader Award

Nurses with strong leadership skills are vital to the future of the nursing profession and health care. As part of ANA-New York’s commitment to encouraging new nurses to be professional, successful leaders, we have established an award program to recognize nursing student leaders each year.  

The ANA-New York Future Nurse Leader Award, sponsored by ANA-NY, recognizes new graduates who, as nursing students, display strong leadership abilities.  

Criteria for Student Nomination

The ANA-New York Future Nurse Leader should be a graduating senior from an undergraduate nursing program who: 

  • Is nominated by a full-time faculty/staff member of the school who is a current ANA-NY member. 

  • Each undergraduate nursing program can nominate one student per graduating class .

  • Creates a positive learning/working environment 

  • Embodies the ethics and values of nursing 

  • Demonstrates leadership: 
    • Motivates and supports other students as leaders 
    • Participates in community/school activities and gives back to others 
    • Mentors fellow students 
    • Promotes activity in nursing and student organizations 

  • Creates opportunities for engagement and involvement 
Nomination Process
  • Schools will receive an email with the Future Nurse Leader nomination application, criteria, and deadlines. 

  • The application, criteria, and deadlines will also be available on the ANA-New York website. 

  • The nomination must be made by a full-time faculty/staff person at the school who is a current ANA-New York member. 

  • The nomination will include a statement from the nominator describing how the nominee meets the award criteria. 

  • The nomination must include the student’s updated CV.    

  • Nominations must be submitted before the deadline to be considered. 

  • The award will be given to the student at the program graduation or award ceremony by the ANA-NY faculty nominator or other designated ANA-NY member.      

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