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2023 ANA-NY Election

We asked the candidates in the 2023 ANA-NY Election to record short videos addressing one of the two questions listed below. 

  • Please speak to steps or actions you would recommend the ANA-NY take to advocate for the nursing profession in NYS
  • Please speak to what new innovative services and/or benefits you believe would be important to ANA-NY members

Meet the candidates and watch their video responses below.

Candidates for Vice President and Membership Assembly Alternate to the President

(vote for 1)

Candidate for Secretary

(vote for 1)

Candidates for Director-at-Large

(vote for 3)

Candidates for Nominations & Elections Committee

(vote for 2)

Candidates for Membership Assembly Representatives & Alternates

Please note nominees can be elected as a Membership Assembly Representative & Alternate, in addition to the other elected positions for which they are running.

(vote for 6)

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