ANA-NY’s 13th Annual Conference, October 9-11, 2025, at the TWA Hotel
We invite you to submit your abstracts for posters, podium presentations, and tabletop escape room scenarios. This year’s theme is Be Empowered Through Change.
For all abstract submissions for the 2025 Conference, the following is required:
- Full Title of the Presentation
- All the Authors - each author with proper educational and professional credentials after their name
- Corresponding Author should be marked with an asterisk (*)
- Corresponding Author must have email address and phone number
- Abstract Submission NEEDS to be structured (with headings as appropriate, e.g., Introduction, Background, Significance, Research Problem, EBP Question, QI Issue, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, Recommendations, etc.
- Abstract should be no more than 600 words, double-spaced
- Should have 3-5 Keywords
- Should have 2-3 References
All poster and podium presentations accepted will be published in the Journal of the American Nurses Association-New York (JANANY), and their submission implies consent to publish their work. Additionally, authors will be responsible for the veracity, authenticity, relevance and outcomes of their presentations.
Use one of the following abstract formats: (A) Research; (B) Clinical, Programmatic, or Policy Intervention; (C) Literature Review; (D) Quality Initiative/Evidence-Based Practice Scholarly Project; or (E) Tabletop Escape Room. Please limit the body of your abstract to no more than 300 words (excluding title, authors, acknowledgments, and keywords).
FORMAT A – Research
- Background: The study objectives, the hypothesis to be tested, or a description of the problem.
- Methods: Methods used, or approach taken (e.g., research design, sampling, procedures);
- Results: Specific results in summarized form (with statistical analysis when appropriate, promises such as ”to be completed” are not acceptable).
- Conclusions: Description of the main outcomes of the study and their implications, including suggestions for future research. Concluding statements such as ”the results will be discussed” are not acceptable.
- References
(Grant acknowledgments should appear.)
FORMAT B – Clinical, Programmatic, or Policy Intervention
- Issue: A concise statement of the issue(s) or problem(s) addressed;
- Description: A description of the project, experience, education/training, service and/or advocacy;
- Lessons Learned: A summary of findings/outcomes which are supported by your observations or results (statistical analysis used to support the conclusions, where appropriate, should be included). Concluding statements such as ”the results will be discussed” are not acceptable.
- Next Steps: Recommendations for future research, clinical or programmatic intervention, or policy change and assessment.
- References
(Grant acknowledgments should appear.)
FORMAT C – Literature Review
- Issue: A concise statement of the issue under investigation;
- Description: Specify the rationale for the literature review, type of analysis of studies, what aspects of the topic were investigated, the types of studies reviewed (with search engine queries and inclusion/exclusion criteria, where appropriate);
- Results: Specific findings;
- Conclusions and Recommendations: A summary of findings and lessons learned, suggestions for future research, assessment/management/clinical practice protocols, or policy.
- References
(Grant acknowledgments should appear.)
FORMAT D – Quality Initiative/Evidence-Based Practice Scholarly Project
- Background: A description of the problem, clinical question, protocol, or other clinical issue and its significance/impact on clinical practice.
- Purpose: Goal(s)/objective(s) of the project
- Methods: Methods used, or approach taken (e.g., design, sampling, setting, measures, analysis);
- Results: Specific results/findings in summarized form, with statistical analysis when appropriate (Anticipated results are acceptable for doctoral proposals not yet completed).
- Conclusions/Implications: Description of the main outcomes of the project and their implications for clinical practice (may include project limitations and suggestions for future research, practice, or policy changes).
- References
(Grant acknowledgments should appear.)
FORMAT E – Tabletop Escape Room
- Background: A description of the challenge
- Purpose: Goal(s)/objective(s) of the scenario
- Methods: Average length of time to complete, optimal number of participants, required props/equipment, amount of space needed
(Grant acknowledgments should appear.)